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Case Study: The Game Changer: Keeping Your Head in Contact Sports

Journal of College Science Teaching—May/June 2018

This column provides original articles on innovations in case study teaching, assessment of the method, as well as case studies with teaching notes. In this issue the Game Changer is an interrupted case study that traces the football career of Anthony “Tony Tonka Truck” Williams and the types of brain trauma that he suffers from playing football, from junior league level through high school, college, and his draft into the pros. Students who successfully complete this case study will be able to discuss the signs and symptoms of concussions, SIS and CTE; analyze the implications and the dangerous health that concussions, SIS, and CTE pose; and apply knowledge of concussions, SIS, and CTE to evaluate a patient’s signs and symptoms, exploring the health hazards of concussions, SIS, and CTE and learning how to avoid these types of injuries in the future.
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