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Journal of College Science Teaching—September/October 2021

Volume 51, Number 1
September/October 2021
This issue of JCST focuses on online teaching and the Covid-19 pandemic. Features include an examination of virtual science lessons using the 4E model; a survey of student opinion on the switch to virtual classes; and a look at how faculty learning communities facilitated the switch to online teaching and learning. The Research & Teaching section offers articles ranging from course-based undergraduate research experiences moving online; a qualitative study of 26 college biology instructors and what they learned during the pandemic; a look at STEM scholars’ sense of community during the pandemic; and a comparison of student outcomes and evaluations in hybrid versus face-to-face Anatomy and Physiology courses.
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Journal Article

STEM Teaching Reform: Incremental Pathways

For almost 1,000 years, lecture has been the predominant form of teaching. There has been increasing pressure to abandon lecturing and instead use more active learning strategies. An unfortunate outcome is that didactic lecture remains the dominant f...

By Yunteng He

Pedagogy Preservice Science Education Research Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Preservice Science Teachers Practice Teaching Online through 4E Instructional Model

This article is prepared as part of a “Practice Teaching in Science” course of a teacher education program aiming for developing prospective science teachers’ teaching through inquiry-based instruction involving practices of science and active ...

By Ozden Sengul

5E Instructional Materials Pedagogy Research Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

Introductory Biology Students’ Opinions on the Pivot to Crisis Distance Education in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic forced higher-education institutions to close campuses and pivot all face-to-face (F2F) instruction online. This transition to Crisis Distance Education (CDE) was unprecedented in scope and speed as it was implemented globally. ...

By J. Phil Gibson and Kristen Shelton

Distance Learning Instructional Materials Preservice Science Education Research Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Faculty Learning Communities Facilitated the Rapid Pivot to Online Teaching and Learning

Faculty learning communities (FLCs), established prepandemic to disseminate and discuss evidence-based teaching practices as part of an NSF-funded project, Investigating Student Success Using Evidence-Based Strategies-eXpanded (ISSUES-X), proved effe...

By Becky Talyn, Sara J. Callori, Karen Cerwin, Mike Chao, Kimberley R. Cousins, Carol Hood, Sally F. McGill, Anthony E. Metcalf, and Laura Woodney

Instructional Materials New Science Teachers Preservice Science Education Research Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences Performance Following the Transition to Remote Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) are an alternative pedagogical approach to the apprenticeship model for high-impact research immersion experiences. A W.M. Keck-funded Research Immersion Program at a Hispanic-serving institutio...

By Christine Broussard, Margaret Gough Courtney, Sarah Dunn, K. Godde, and Vanessa Preisler

Postsecondary New Science Teachers Preservice Science Education Research Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies Technology

Journal Article

Pandemic-Inspired Insights

College instructors faced a rapid transition to remote instruction in spring 2020, and with it a host of new teaching challenges. This qualitative study investigates what 26 college biology instructors learned about students and teaching during this ...

By Tessa Andrews and Kathryn Green

Postsecondary Preservice Science Education Research Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

Journal Article

STEM Scholars’ Sense of Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The purpose of this study was to investigate sense of community (SOC) within a STEM learning community during the COVID-19 pandemic. The STEM learning community that was the setting for this study is funded by a National Science Foundation (NSF) S-ST...

By Jennifer McGee and Rahman Tashakkori

Postsecondary Research STEM Teacher Preparation

Journal Article

Comparison of Student Outcomes and Evaluations in Hybrid Versus Face-to-Face Anatomy and Physiology I Courses

In this study, two sections of undergraduate Introductory Anatomy and Physiology taught in the traditional face-to-face format (n = 58) was compared to two hybrid classes (n = 38) using the flipped-classroom model taught by the same instructor. Forma...

By Sanjeeda Jafar and Viji Sitther

Preservice Science Education Research Teacher Preparation Teaching Strategies

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