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Point of View: R.E.S.P.E.C.T.—A Teaching Primer

Journal of College Science Teaching – July/August 2007

Respect is the key to successful teaching because it unlocks barriers to student learning. Treating students with respect opens their minds, thereby facilitating the learning process. Treating students with respect opens their minds, thereby facilitating the learning process. As Dewey said, “You aren’t teaching unless someone is learning!” The elements that make up this teaching primer are guidelines for creating an effective teaching strategy for science students. Effective teachers can incorporate the elements of R.E.S.P.E.C.T.—Relevance, Enthusiasm, Sincerity, Persistence, Extra Effort, Challenge, and Trust—to inspire, motivate, and challenge students. The approach is designed to create a positive learning environment and to impact students, not only during the semester, but also throughout their lives.
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