High School | Daily Do
High school students, as scientists, investigate life science and engineering ideas to answer the driving question: How can we evaluate a solution for addressing disparities in hypertension control? Students begin by analyzing data and identifying a problem: racial/ethnic disparities in hypertension control. To begin to explain the problem and evaluate solutions, students consider what they know about factors that impact health outcomes. Students then organize these factors into domains and levels of influence identified in the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) Research Framework. Next, students watch two videos that discuss how work and living environments impact these factors. Students evaluate information about hypertension and consider the criteria and constraints they would use to evaluate a solution that addresses disparities in hypertension control. Next, using their criteria and constraints, they evaluate the RICH LIFE Project individually, with a group, and as a class. Finally, students consider how the criteria and constraints, as well as components and interactions identified for disparities in hypertension, could be used to evaluate solutions for other health disparities.
This lesson plan was created in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University Press, the Johns Hopkins Office of Research, and Dr. Lisa Cooper, based on her 2021 Wavelengths book, Why Are Health Disparities Everyone’s Problem?
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