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Is Lesson Plan Lesson Plans Elementary Grade 4
Elementary students, as scientists, investigate communication strategies to answer the following driving question: How can we send complicated messages and images over long distances? Students begin by summarizing the data collected in their previous tests and the failure points or difficulties of the communication methods tested. Next, students consider how they can investigate the number code representing the siphonophore image from Lesson 1. Students run tests using a binary code
editor tool and ask questions about how binary code can be used to represent complex images with color. Students obtain information from a video and article and finally test how binary code can be used to represent the messages in the Messenger Cards. After the investigation, students use what they have learned throughout the Playlist to write an explanation of how the UUV in the deep ocean sent the image of the siphonophore to the surface. Finally, students return to their initial
Driving Question Board (DQB) to determine which of their questions can now be answered.
This lesson is Lesson 3 of the Mysteries of the Deep: UUVs and Digitizing Ocean Communication Playlist
This playlist was created in collaboration with Northrop Grumman and supported by the Northrop Grumman Foundation.
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