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How did the NWS predict Hurricane Ida’s rapid intensification and path?

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How did the NWS predict Hurricane Ida’s rapid intensification and path?

Instructional Materials Is Lesson Plan Middle School

Sensemaking Checklist

What is Sensemaking?

Sensemaking is actively trying to figure out how the world works (science) or how to design solutions to problems (engineering). Students do science and engineering through the science and engineering practices. Engaging in these practices necessitates that students be part of a learning community to be able to share ideas, evaluate competing ideas, give and receive critique, and reach consensus. Whether this community of learners is made up of classmates or family members, students and adults build and refine science and engineering knowledge together.

Lesson Snapshot

Middle school students, as scientists, consider the history of natural hazards (hurricanes) and how electromagnetic waves interact with substances to answer the following driving question: How did the NWS predict Hurricane Ida’s rapid intensification and path? Students begin by taking stock of the parts of the phenomena they have figured out, the pieces that need to be put together, and what is left to figure out. Next, students obtain information about how the National Weather Service (NWS) creates hurricane predictions. Finally, students develop a model to explain how the NWS identified patterns in historical and real-time data to predict the rapid intensification and path of Hurricane Ida.

This lesson is Lesson 5 of the Using Technology to Predict Hurricanes Unit Playlist 

This unit was created in collaboration with Northrop Grumman and supported by the Northrop Grumman Foundation.

Click the Download PDF button above for the complete Lesson Plan.


Student Materials

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Teacher Materials


Optional Teacher Resources

Additional Hurricane, Radar, and Satellite Information 

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