Middle School | Daily Do
Instructional Materials Is Lesson Plan Middle School
Middle school students, as scientists, investigate how electromagnetic waves interact with objects to answer the following driving question: How is moisture in the air measured to predict hurricanes? Students begin by reviewing what they figured out in the previous lesson and what they decided to investigate next. Students analyze humidity data for the Gulf of Mexico between 8/27/21 and 8/29/21 and a radar map of Hurricane Ida. Students evaluate information about radar and pose questions about radar, electromagnetic waves, and energy. Students then observe two related phenomena and consider how their observations might help explain how radar measures moisture in the air. During their investigation, students test how electromagnetic waves interact with different substances found in the air using a simulation. They also evaluate information in an article about radar and how it is used to predict hurricanes. Students develop a class consensus model based on their understanding of how radar helps measure humidity, as well as type and amount of precipitation and how this information is used to predict hurricanes.
This lesson is Lesson 4 of the Using Technology to Predict Hurricanes Unit Playlist
This unit was created in collaboration with Northrop Grumman and supported by the Northrop Grumman Foundation.
Click the Download PDF button above for the complete Lesson Plan.
Student Materials
Per Student
Per Small Group (2 to 4 students)
Teacher Materials
Ping-Pong Ball Interactions
Optional Teacher Resources