Middle School | Daily Do
Instructional Materials Is Lesson Plan Lesson Plans Middle School
Middle school students, as scientists, investigate the history of natural hazards (hurricanes) in Louisiana in order to answer the following driving question: What caused Hurricane Ida to rapidly intensify? Students begin by sharing what they know about severe weather events, their causes, and how to protect people from their effects. Students are then introduced to a severe weather event phenomenon: the rapid intensification of Hurricane Ida and the National Weather Service’s (NWS) accurate prediction of the hurricane’s rapid intensification. Students record observations and questions and consider how to investigate the phenomenon. During their investigation, students analyze historical data about hurricanes that made landfall in Louisiana between 2000 and 2024. Students note patterns and consider how the patterns could be used to identify potential causes of Hurricane Ida’s rapid intensification. After noticing that many hurricanes intensify while moving through the Gulf of Mexico, students evaluate information about the body of water. Next students use historical hurricane data and information about the Gulf of Mexico to create initial models that show their ideas about how Hurricane Ida rapidly intensified. Students will share their models and create a Driving Question Board (DQB) to capture their questions about how the hurricane rapidly intensified and how the NWS predicted it.
This lesson is Lesson 1 of the Using Technology to Predict Hurricanes Unit Playlist
This unit was created in collaboration with Northrop Grumman and supported by the Northrop Grumman Foundation.
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