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Making Connections to Common Core

Evidence-based reasoning is the foundation of good scientific practice. The Next Generation Science Standards incorporate reasoning skills used in language arts and mathematics to help students improve mastery and understanding in all three disciplines.

The Next Generation Science Standards align grade by grade with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts, so concepts support what students are learning in their entire curriculum. Connections to specific Common Core standards are listed for each NGSS performance expectation, giving teachers a blueprint for building comprehensive cross-disciplinary lessons.

The intersections between NGSS and Common Core teach students to analyze data, model concepts, and strategically use tools through productive talk and shared activity. These practice-based standards help teachers foster a classroom culture where students think and reason together, connecting around the subject matter and core ideas.

Common Core Standards for Math

Science is a quantitative discipline, where students must think abstractly. Weaving foundational quantitative tools like arithmetic, algebra, and statistics throughout the science curriculum helps students understand the concepts in context and better prepares them for college and careers.

The NGSS incorporates the Common Core Standards in Mathematics by focusing on how math practices line up with what you need to know to perform work in each scientific discipline. The crossovers listed for each NGSS performance expectation are taken from these Common Core mathematical practices.

Common Core Standards for Literacy

Just like the language arts, science requires the ability to construct a sound argument and communicate it effectively. Reading and writing make up a large part of what scientists and engineers do, and literacy is essential to good scientific practice.

The NGSS combine literacy and language activities like validating evidence, constructing sound reasoning, discussing theories, and critiquing hypotheses to strengthen science instruction and shift classroom activities from recitation toward reasoning-based discussion.

More About What Makes the Standards Different

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