Institutes & Courses
National Conference in Kansas City • Oct. 25-28, 2023
Shape Your Experience With Even More Learning
These special sessions and workshops provide a more intimate learning experience, giving you the time and space needed to concentrate on developing skills you can use in your work right away.
Conference registration is required to attend the following events.
Professional Learning Institutes (PLIs) & Short Courses
Join colleagues and leading experts in science education, professional learning, instructional materials, and assessment during these immersive learning sessions, for an opportunity to engage in important and timely topics in depth.
Professional Learning Institutes (PLIs)

Full-Day Workshop
OpenSciEd Middle School
Revealing Students' Brilliance
Preconference • Wednesday, October 25 • 8:15 AM - 3:30 PM

Full-Day Workshop
Introducing OpenSciEd High School
Helping Students See Science and Engineering in Meaningful Phenomena and Problems
Preconference • Wednesday, October 25 • 8:15 AM - 3:30 PM
Short Courses

Full-Day Workshop
Designing and Using Three-Dimensional Assessment Tasks to Support NGSS Instruction
Preconference • Wednesday, October 25 • 8:15 AM - 3:30 PM