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PLI #1

National Conference in Minneapolis • November 12, 2025

Full-Day Workshop

Igniting Curiosity and Wonder: OpenSciEd Elementary (K-5)

Preconference • Wednesday, November 12 • 8:15 AM - 3:15 PM
All participants will receive...
  • Breakfast and Lunch


Conference registration is NOT required to attend.

About the Session

Join us to experience how students make decisions and engage in classroom discussion as part of their sensemaking in OpenSciEd Elementary’s newly released 1.3 Sky Patterns Unit. Find out about the seamless integration of 3D science with ELA and mathematics and built-in guidance for supporting a range of learners. During the session, we’ll engage participants in an immersive curriculum-based professional learning experience and experience the joy possible when elementary science classrooms engage in collective science sensemaking.

Key Takeaways
  • The OpenSciEd instructional materials can support science classrooms that leverage the Brilliance of Children and the Strengths of K-5 Educators.
  • OpenSciEd Elementary units are designed to support classrooms with embedded opportunities to use ELA and math to support science sensemaking and are designed to support a range of learners.
  • The storyline approach is designed to provide students with a meaningful experience that is motivated by the students’ own desires to explain something they don’t understand or to solve a problem their classroom has come to care about. 


In Partnership With:



Janna Mahfoud

Janna Mahfoud is a BSCS Science Educator working across professional learning and leadership development, with a focus on transforming science teaching and learning for historically marginalized populations. Janna is co-chair of the BSCS Equity and Social Justice Collaborative. Prior to BSCS, Janna taught elementary and middle school science, and served as a K-8 District Science & Engineering Specialist supporting curriculum implementation through strategic planning, professional learning, and coaching services.

Yanira Vasquez

Yanira Vasquez has over 20 years of experience working to improve student educational STEM outcomes. As the Elementary Curriculum Project Manager, Yanira manages the development of our elementary curriculum and professional learning. Previously, she was the state supervisor for math and science in New Mexico, where she oversaw the adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards and the NM Computer Science Standards, and supported professional learning for educators in all areas of STEM. Under her leadership, the state added teacher license endorsements for elementary math specialists and computer science for secondary educators, and supported implementation of high-quality math and science instructional materials. Yanira was the New Mexico state representative in the OpenSciEd State Steering Committee. Before joining the state agency, Yanira spent over 10 years working at the district level as an elementary school teacher, instructional coach, and school administrator.

Dr. Susan Gomez Zwiep

Dr. Susan Gomez Zwiep is currently the Program Area Director for Teacher Learning and a Senior Science Educator at BSCS Science Learning. She began her career in science education as a middle school science teacher in Los Angeles, where she spent over 12 years working with English learners in urban schools. From 2005-2020, Susan served as faculty in the Science Education Department at California State University, Long Beach where she taught courses in the undergraduate STEM pathway, teacher preparation and the graduate program in Science Education. Susan was also a Regional Director for the K-2 Alliance@WestEd, where she contributed to high-quality professional development programs that supported K12 educators in the areas of science and mathematics, including the CA NGSS Early Implementer Initiative.

Amy Belcastro

Amy Belcastro is a BSCS Science Educator, supporting professional learning and curriculum development focusing on supporting three-dimensional science teaching and learning in elementary and middle school settings. Prior to BSCS, she taught elementary school. 


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