PLI #5
National Conference in Philadelphia • March 26, 2025
Full-Day Workshop
Creating Instructionally Supportive Assessment Tasks to Support 3D-Learning
Preconference • Wednesday, March 26 • 8:15 AM - 3:15 PM
All participants will receive...
- Breakfast and Lunch
Conference registration is NOT required to attend.
About the Session
What approach can science educators use to create assessment tasks that support instructional practice and students’ three-dimensional learning? Participants will experience an approach for designing 3-D assessment tasks that will help their students build toward the NGSS performance expectations.
Takeaways: Participants will learn how to construct 3-dimensional assessment tasks that they can use in their classroom to promote student learning of the NGSS performance expectations.

Joseph Krajcik
Joseph Krajcik directs the CREATE for STEM Institute and is a University Distinguished Professor at Michigan State University. Throughout his career, Joe has focused on working with colleagues and science teachers to design and test project-based learning environments to reform science teaching practices and to research student learning and engagement. Joe served as president of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), from which he received the Distinguished Contributions to Science Education Through Research Award in 2010. He served as the lead writer for developing Physical Science Standards for the NGSS and for the Physical Science Disciplinary Core Ideas for the Framework for K – 12 Science Education. In 2020, Joe was elected to the National Academy of Education and received the prestigious McGraw Prize for Innovation in Pre-K-12 Education. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed manuscripts, and his book on Project-based Learning is in its fifth edition.

Christopher Harris
Christopher Harris serves as Senior Director of Science and Engineering Education Research at WestEd. His work focuses on the design, implementation, and study of instructional innovations that support science teaching and learning in PK–12 classrooms. At WestEd, he has been involved in developing scalable approaches to address the NGSS through curricula, assessments, and professional learning models that support teachers in creating engaging, interactive, equitable, and accessible learning experiences for students. His research often involves collaborative work with districts and schools for the purpose of informing both research and practice. Current collaborations involve developing instructionally supportive assessments for NGSS classrooms and on evaluating curriculum materials aligned with the NGSS. His publications have addressed science curriculum and assessment, design-based implementation research, science teaching practice, educational innovation, and the role of project-based learning in STEM education.