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Bioluminescence and 16th-century Caravaggism

The Glowing Intersection between Art and Science

By Yunqiu (Daniel) Wang

Bioluminescence and 16th-century Caravaggism



This case study looks at the probable connection between bioluminescence and Caravaggio's painting style in the 16th century in order to explore the mechanism of bioluminescence and its role in animal evolution and modern medicine. Recent studies have uncovered the precise biochemical mechanism of bioluminescence and have made a number of breakthroughs in understanding the chain of evolutionary events that led to animal species acquiring bioluminescence as a communication tool for reproduction and survival. The case includes several videos created by the author to prepare students in advance for the case study in class. Originally developed for a sophomore level undergraduate biology course, the case could also be used in biochemistry, physiology, or animal behavior courses. Before attempting the case, students should have a basic background in  reduction/oxidation reactions in inorganic chemistry, stereoisomerism in organic chemistry, enzymes and their role in chemical reactions, cell structure and organelles, cell communication, cellular respiration, and animal behavior and evolution in general biology.


Date Posted




  • Describe the biosynthetic pathway of firefly luciferin, and understand the concept and value of isomerism in a biological process.
  • Describe the biochemical mechanism of a firefly bioluminescent reaction.
  • Explain the role of bioluminescence as an evolutionary inevitability in the survival and development of firefly species.
  • Practice scientific reasoning and research by designing a line of inquiry or an experiment that could support or falsify the claim made by Dr. Roberta Lupucci that Caravaggio indeed used the bioluminescent powder from crushed fireflies in his chiaroscuro style of painting 400 years ago.


Bioluminescence; luciferin; luciferase; Caravaggism; firefly communication; natural selection; Caravaggio; glow; lucibufagins; Lampyridae; Photuris; femmes fatales


Subject Headings

Biology (General)
Chemistry (General)
Evolutionary Biology


Undergraduate lower division, Undergraduate upper division



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