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A Tale of Two Viruses

By Kathleen A. Nolan




In this PowerPoint-driven case study, students compare and contrast poliovirus and its effects with SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19. Before the class meeting, students watch a set of videos and read two research papers. In class, the presentation begins with the story of the author’s grandmother who had polio, which personalizes the fear experienced during a pandemic. Guided by “clicker” questions throughout, students learn about poliovirus, its etiology, transmission, the iron lung, as well as the two types of polio vaccines and how they differ. The second part of the presentation focuses on SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. After learning the basics of this virus and disease, students look at data in two sets of patient cases. The first is about a 50-year-old man in Wuhan, China, who eventually succumbed to the disease; the second concerns the first person-to-person documented case of COVID-19 in China. The presentation concludes with students filling out tables to compare and contrast the two viruses. Originally designed for a second-semester general biology course, the case could also be used in anatomy and physiology, epidemiology, or genetics courses.


Date Posted




  • Define a hypothesis.
  • Compare and contrast two different viruses and their infections that have caused pandemics.
  • Understand that different types of viruses can cause different types of problems.
  • Appreciate the role that genetics has in causing variation in people, which leads to different susceptibilities to disease.
  • Understand that politics and funding play a role in public health decisions when searching for vaccines and managing disease.
  • Analyze data from the cases and draw evidence-based conclusions.
  • Realize that there is still much to learn about poliovirus and its eradication and the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19.


COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; coronavirus; virus; polio; poliomyelitis; ventilator; iron lung; genetics; epidemic; pandemic; Wuhan; viremia; vaccine; transmission; Salk; Sabine; agammaglobinemia


Subject Headings

Biology (General)
Cell Biology
Genetics / Heredity
Public Health
Science (General)


High school, Undergraduate lower division, General public & informal education, Continuing education



PDF, PowerPoint, Word



History of science, Policy issues






Clicker, Directed, Flipped, Journal Article



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