In this directed case study, students follow the story of “Marcus,” a recent college graduate who is working as a technician in a clinical laboratory to gain experience before applying to medical school. Marcus’ work duties suddenly shift when the COVID-19 pandemic hits his region to testing patient samples for the virus. Students investigate the process of COVID-19 diagnostic testing, from sample collection and processing to data analysis and the reporting of results. They then explore the molecular biology of nucleic acid purification, amplification of a target nucleic acid sequence, sequence detection and analysis, and ultimately, diagnosis. In the final section of the case, students shift their focus from technology to vocation as they research the many and varied career possibilities in a clinical laboratory and learn about the important role laboratory technicians play in the healthcare system and overall public health. Students should have prior knowledge of basic Mendelian genetic principles, DNA structure/function, and the concept of mutation. This case is appropriate for high school students in a biology, biotechnology, or allied health class.