This directed case study follows a young woman, Samantha, on a routine visit to her eye doctor. While at her appointment, Samantha receives preventative care and a visual acuity exam while learning more about the anatomy and physiology of her eyes. The case reviews the anatomical structures of the eye that are involved in vision, looks at anatomical issues that can lead to glaucoma and visual acuity issues, teaches students about light refraction by convex and concave surfaces, and then has them apply this knowledge to the light bending structures in the eye. The case concludes by covering refractive error correction through the use of lenses and LASIK surgery. The case allows students to synthesize their understanding of eye anatomy and physiology with clinical application that many of them have likely experienced. In addition to A&P courses for first or second year university students or advanced high school students, the case may also be appropriate for courses on sensation and perception offered in psychology and neuroscience programs.