Dr. Patrick Brown
Dr. Patrick L. Brown is the Executive Director of STEM and Career Education for the Fort Zumwalt School District in St. Charles, Missouri. Dr. Brown has a range of K–12 and postsecondary teaching experience. He has won various awards for his science methods course teaching.
NSTA Press Session: Instructional Sequence Matters, Grades 3–5, Explore-Before-Explain
Friday, November 13
4:05 PM - 4:50 PM EST
Find out how to use explore-before-explain learning to flip the traditional teaching script and promote long-lasting understanding in physical, life, and Earth and space science.
Takeaways: 1. Why sequence matters—a concise review of cognitive science and science education research explains why the order in which you structure your lessons is so critical; 2. What you need to do—an overview of important planning considerations covers becoming an “explore-before-explain” teacher and designing POE (Predict, Observe, Explain) and 5E (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate) instructional models; and 3. How you do it—ready-to-teach lessons that use an explore-before-explain sequence to provide an experience that meets the Next Generation Science Standards and makes interdisciplinary connections to the Common Core State Standards.