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Preservice Teachers

Journal Articles


NSTA journal articles to help you prepare for your time in the classroom

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Journal Article

Phenomenon Walks

For preservice K–5 teachers, understanding how to implement phenomenon-based learning in an elementary classroom is an important skill, particularly as it relates to integrating the Next Generation Science Standards. This article presents one way t...


Journal Article

Motivating Three-Dimensional Learning From Students’ Questions

Journal Article

5E and the PEs

Journal Article

Tech-Rich Approaches to Three-Dimensional Teaching

Journal Article

Concept-Based Probes: The Justified List

Journal Article

The Worms Are Dancing!

An integrated learning experience with preschoolers ...


Journal Article

The Early Years: Create a Kit

This column discusses resources and science topics related to students in grades preK to 2. This issue describes how teachers can build their own kits....


Journal Article

The Early Years: Teaching the <i>M</i> in STEM

This column discusses resources and science topics related to students in grades preK to 2. This issue focuses on teaching STEM lessons that have an emphasis on mathematics....


Journal Article

The Early Years: Discovering Their Sense of the World

This column discusses resources and science topics related to students in grades preK to 2. This issue aims to engage children in a project-based learning experience....


Journal Article

The Early Years: Analyzing Media Representations of Animals

This column discusses resources and science topics related to students in grades preK to 2. This issue aims to engage children in analyzing and interpreting illustrations to determine sizes of pictured animals and give evidence for how they know. To ...


Journal Article

The Early Years: Creating a Possibility-Rich Classroom Environment

This column discusses resources and science topics related to students in grades preK to 2. This issue describes an activity that creates a “possibility-rich” environment or experience for children to have firsthand experience with phenomena or d...


Journal Article

The Early Years: Begin With Open Exploration

This column discusses resources and science topics related to students in grades preK to 2. This issue discusses ways to encourage children to engage in open exploration to learn about living organisms....

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