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Case Study: In Case You Are Interested—Results of a Survey of Case Study Teachers

Journal of College Science Teaching—March/April 2011

Case study teaching had a long tradition in law and business before it made the jump to medical school education in the form of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in the 1970s. Today, both the University of Delaware’s Clearinghouse and the University of Buffalo’s National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science (NCCSTS) have hundreds of cases and teaching notes on their websites that serve thousands of teachers worldwide. To determine who these users are, the authors decided to develop a brief survey consisting of 12 questions using SurveyMonkey, a web-based survey tool, and then invited members of their Listserv to respond to it over a several-week period this summer. They received 1,634 responses. The data in the figures included here and their comments below represent the results of this survey. Not all of the data add up to 100% as faculty chose more than one response for some questions.
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