Building a New Interdisciplinary Service-Learning Partnership Through Virtual Connections
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This article presents a synopsis of an interdisciplinary literacy-science, cross-country, fully remote service-learning (S-L) project prompted by and executed during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The article…
A Human-Centered Design Tool Kit for STEM-Based Capstone Courses
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In fall 2019, a food science instructor partnered with the design center at a large Midwestern university to create a student activity tool kit for integrating the Human-Centered Design (HCD) approach into a science,…
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An important facet of college students’ science literacy and job market preparation is developing skills for finding and applying information to decision-making about complex real-world problems. We developed a…
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Exploring Phenomena That Connect Science, Self, and Society
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The Importance of Partnership, Support, and Sustained Professional Development
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Why Are There Coral in the Cliffs?
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Peer-Led Team Learning as Educational Tool for First-Year Biology Students
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This article reports the findings of the Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) model intervention study in an introductory biology course at a Puerto Rican private university. PLTL introduces to the traditional class format an…
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Postsecondary science faculty often hope to help students to better understand science through engagement with primary research literature. Undergraduates in courses focused on reading and discussion of research…
A Novel Rubric Format for Providing Feedback on Process Skills to STEM Undergraduate Students
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To improve student process-skill development, a novel type of rubric was developed that goes beyond a typical analytic rubric by providing detailed feedback to students. Process skills are transferable skills such as…
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Connecting pH and Molarity to Health Care
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Given the recent state of social distancing, the online lab experience discussed in this article offers an economical and versatile approach to online undergraduate chemistry lab instruction. With videoconferencing…
Freebies and Opportunities for Science and STEM Teachers, December 12, 2023
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