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  • Air and gases

    Blog Post |

    Click on the cover for the Table of Contents April is the month of Earth Day, and this issue on air and gases also has ideas for environmental studies related to the atmosphere. The article Using Citizen…

  • Air is matter

    Blog Post |

    A classic activity to show that air is matter and takes up space is to tuck a piece of tissue into a small clear jar, up end the jar and lower it into a larger container of water. When the small jar is pulled out (still…

  • Air Trajectory

    Collection |

    This Collection contains information related to the Science Olympiad event Air Trajectory.

  • Air Trajectory

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    This Collection contains information related to the Science Olympiad event Air Trajectory.

  • Air Pressure

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    Activities related to air pressure

  • Pressure, Pressure Everywhere: Using raps and hands-on activities to teach about air pressure

    Journal Article |

    The activities in this article show how combining rap music with hands-on activities provides a valuable way to teach the concept of air pressure. It also allows a connection to content learning with students' everyday…

  • Science Sampler: Environmental Service Learning—The Clean Air Zone Service Learning Project

    Journal Article |

    In September 2006, the Maine Green Schools’ facilitators, consisting of environmental specialists from Maine’s Department of Environmental Protection and Energy Education Program, kicked off the Clean Air Zone Service…

  • The Senior Biology Seminar—A Capstone Course: Experiencing the Culminating Biology Course at the U.S. Air Force Academy

    Journal Article |

    This "Biology Senior Seminar" is a prerequisite for all biology majors. The course integrates curriculum studies with critical analysis of current biology research and communication skills to provide a capstone…

  • Model of Air Inside a Jar

    Lesson Plan |

    The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about the particle model of matter. The probe is designed to find out if students recognize that air is made up of particles that are widely spaced with…

  • Air and Water Collection

    Collection |

    This collection will explain what is air and how what it is made of. The same will happen with the water.…

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