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  • Air is matter

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    A classic activity to show that air is matter and takes up space is to tuck a piece of tissue into a small clear jar, up end the jar and lower it into a larger container of water. When the small jar is pulled out (still…

  • Model of Air Inside a Jar

    Lesson Plan |

    The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about the particle model of matter. The probe is designed to find out if students recognize that air is made up of particles that are widely spaced with…

  • Air, Water, and Weather: Stop Faking It! Finally Understanding Science So You Can Teach It (e-Book)

    eBook |

    Thunderstruck by storm fronts? Perplexed about air pressure? Hazy on how weather works? If you’ve always been shaky on the science behind such phenomena, Air, Water, and Weather is designed to help you develop a deep…

  • The PocketLab Air Sensor

    Blog Post |

    Introduction The PocketLab Air Sensor is a fantastic tool for investigating the validity of fluctuations in climate and air pollution in your own community.  As a result, teachers can offer students…

  • Hot Air Science

    Blog Post |

    I want to demonstrate different states of matter and need activities for third graders for gases. — D., Georgia It’s hard to teach about something we can’t see! Here are a few ideas: Perfumes: Open a bottle of…

  • Laboratory Indoor Air Quality & Safety

    Blog Post |

  • Laboratory Air Quality Is Nothing to Sneeze At

    Blog Post |

  • PITSCO Hot-Air Balloons

    Blog Post |

    The “Zoon Hot-Air Balloons Getting Started Package” contains all the materials necessary for a class of 30 students to construct and launch their own hot air balloons. The kit is designed for students in Grades 3…

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