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  • Animal Adaptations (e-book)

    eBook |

    From feet to color to teeth, animals have many special structures that help them survive. These physical characteristics help them move, find food, and protect themselves. Animal Adaptations allows children to use their…

  • Scope on Safety: Animals in the classroom

    Journal Article |

    Use of animals in middle school science classrooms is a curriculum component worthy of consideration, providing proper investigation and planning are addressed. A responsible approach to this action, including safety,…

  • The Early Years: Animal Adventures

    Journal Article |

    Children can have a new favorite animal every week or even every hour. The more familiar the children become with an animal, the more they will be able to understand how its body form and behavior allow it to survive.…

  • What Happens to Animals during Hurricanes?

    Journal Article |

    Student curiosity provides a springboard for discussions ranging from weather, to conservation, to biology, and concern for animal welfare. Teachers can use these real-world events that spark students' interest to…

  • Safer Science: Live Animals and Dissection

    Journal Article |

    Responsible Use of Live Animals and Dissection in the Science Classroom, one of NSTA's position statements, emphasizes the role of student interaction with animals in the National Science Education Standards (NRC 1996…

  • Methods and Strategies: Teaching About Animals

    Journal Article |

    When asking about animals, it is hard to find a person who doesn’t recall a beloved pet or share that they’ve always loved dolphins, snakes, or ladybugs. A study of animals in an early childhood classroom, then, would…

  • Assessing Students’ Ideas About Animals: Participate in a new study that examines students' ideas about animals

    Journal Article |

    This article is an interview protocol that you can use to gather information about your students’ ideas about animals. Specifically, you will be able to determine which organisms your students think are animals and…

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