Incorporating Student-Centered Learning in an Ecosystems Course
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Student-centered learning broadly encompasses teaching approaches that shift the focus of instruction from teacher to student by placing an emphasis on what as well as how students want to learn. This approach allows…
Get the Scoop on Soil Microbes
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Backward Redesign of a Nonmajors’ Biology Course at a Two-Year Technical College
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Gwinnett Technical College (GTC), established in 1984, is the second-largest technical college in Georgia. As a two-year open-access college, GTC and other technical and community colleges are significant in educating…
Teaching Climate Change Through Educational Resources From America’s National Parks
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An Interview With Cognitive Scientist Lindsay Portnoy
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Cognitive scientists study how people learn. This type of knowledge can be applied in a diverse array of fields, ranging from advertising to journalism and academia. Lindsay Portnoy is a lecturer at Northeastern…
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Data-Driven Science Vlogging for Connected Learning Anywhere
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SCOPE: A Volunteer-Led STEM Outreach Program Connecting Communities to Research
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Utilizing Picture Books to Teach Through Notable Females in Science
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This column provides ideas and techniques to enhance your science teaching.
Integrating nonfiction chapter books into a science unit
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Bringing other subjects into the classroom
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Chemical mnemonic devices have been designed to aid students in understanding chemical concepts in previous years. This has been done for concepts such as oxyanions, ozonolysis, tautomerization mechanisms in organic…
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We quantified student perceptions of an active learning exercise, based on open-educational video resources, in both a first-year seminar class (Natural Environment of Athens and Georgia, three sections), and a larger…