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  • Assessment for English Learners

    Journal Article |

  • Useful Beyond Assessments

    Journal Article |

  • Online Extras: College Science Teachers Guide to Assessment

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    Online Extras: College Science Teachers Guide to Assessment If you have purchased College Science Teachers Guide to Assessment, you can view the accompanying additional chapter online. This resource is for your personal use only and is not to be redistributed. To view the online extra, please type in the second word in…

  • Assessing Student Learning

    Book Chapter |

    Assessment involves an ongoing investigation of student learning that influences teachers’ planning and instruction. Multiple assessment strategies should be used to provide feedback to students and teachers. Such…

  • Assessment Of Laboratory Investigations

    Book Chapter |

    The assessment of a laboratory investigation has two distinct components. The first is an evaluation of the quality of the laboratory investigation itself: Does it meet the criteria for a desired laboratory experience?…

  • Assessments and Student Samples

    Book Chapter |

    This Assessment chapter is meant to help teachers identify the components of an argument in students’ work and how to use the rubric to provide feedback and grading. Student samples are provided and identified as high,…

  • A Creative Assessment Tool

    Book Chapter |

    The typical use of science notebooks is for students to record information as they complete an investigation, writing down their procedure, observations, data, results, graphs, and any other factual information…

  • Cooperative Learning and Assessment

    Book Chapter |

    Cooperative learning in its simplest sense is two or more students working together on an assignment. In an expanded definition, cooperative learning becomes an opportunity for students to interact with one another…

  • The Importance of Everyday Assessment

    Book Chapter |

    Assessment for learning is set in the context of conflicts and synergies with the other purposes of assessments. The core ideas are that it is characterized by the day-to-day use of evidence to guide students’ learning…

  • Involving Students in Assessment

    Book Chapter |

    While much of the responsibility for classroom assessment lies with teachers, students also play an important role in meaningful assessment activity. Bringing students into the assessment process is a critical dimension…

  • STEM Learning and Assessment

    Book Chapter |

    Interwoven with classroom and teacher designations are curricula and assessment strategies. This chapter profiles some of the exemplary materials that support STEM teaching and learning, as well as the emergent process…

  • What Are They Thinking? Promoting Elementary Learning Through Formative Assessment

    NSTA Press Book |

    REVERE Award Winner, PreK-12 Learning Group, Association of American Publishers! “Children are continually developing ideas and explanations about their natural world. … Some of these ideas are consistent with…

  • Interpreting Assessment Data: Statistical Techniques You Can Use

    NSTA Press Book |

    Are you properly evaluating the results of the tests you give to students? Can you explain the difference between classroom assessment and standardized assessment? Are you on solid ground with your grading system?…

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