Formative Assessment Probes: Birthday Candles: Visually Representing Ideas
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This column focuses on promoting learning through assessment. This month’s issue discusses using visual representations to support students' explanations.
Formative Assessment Probes: Confronting Common Folklore—Catching a Cold
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Formative assessment probes can help teachers find out what students' ideas are before teaching lessons and use the information to adjust instructional strategies. This article gives an example teachers can use to see…
Using Presentation Software to Integrate Formative Assessment Into Science Instruction
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Use the backward design process and presentation software to discover what students know.
The Structure and Assessment of a Unique and Popular Interdisciplinary Science Course for Nonmajors
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Science Without Borders is a unique interdisciplinary science course that uses group and active-learning strategies and is in high demand among nonscience majors at a masters-level university. This article describes the…
Research and Teaching: Practical Considerations for Assessing Inquiry-Based Instruction
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Research shows that inquiry learning promotes achievement and positive student attitudes toward science. One obstacle to implementing inquiry learning, however, is the development and use of appropriate assessments.…
Alternative Assessment: A monthly portfolio project improves student performance
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As an alternative method of assessment, students create portfolios by submitting monthly entries that demonstrate and expand their understanding of science concepts. Teachers can also use the portfolios to assess the…
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Active learning is a teaching methodology with a focus on student-centered learning that engages students in the educational process. This study implemented active learning techniques in an orthopedic assessment…
A Comparison of Two Forms of Assessment in an Introductory Biology Laboratory Course
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Because of enrollment increases, many institutions have advocated the replacement of free-response exams with forced-choice exams as a time-saving strategy. The study in this article evaluated the replacement of free-…
The Many Metaphors of Energy: Using Analogies as a Formative Assessment Tool
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This article describes how student-generated analogies are shown to be an effective means of eliciting ideas about energy in systems from biology, chemistry, and physics.
Concept-Based Probes: The Justified List
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