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  • Varied Assessment: A Brief Introduction

    Book Chapter |

    Although often seen as a means for evaluation, assessment is first and foremost an instructional tool. Use of multiple assessment strategies can provide students with diverse feedback, allowing them to view the subject…

  • Assessments That Assist in Motivating Students

    Book Chapter |

    Assessments are one of the few ways students can be reached individually. You can directly interact with each student. If used in thoughtful ways, assessments can motivate students to engage in class and to study on…

  • Better Multiple-Choice Assessments

    Book Chapter |

    Multiple-choice questions have an important place in the assessment of student learning and constructed correctly, can provide instructors and students alike with valuable insight to student learning. This chapter is…

  • Assessing Inquiry-Based Instruction

    Book Chapter |

    Assessment encompasses more than just exams and papers. It also involves informally assessing student learning in progress, formally assessing students to determine their learning gains, and assessing whether the…

  • Revised Views of Classroom Assessment

    Book Chapter |

    The Classroom Assessment Project to Improve Teaching and Learning (CAPITAL), a collaborative research initiative between Stanford University and middle school science teachers in nearby school districts, examined…

  • Collaborative Assessments

    Journal Article |

  • The (Trans)Formative Assessment Planning Template

    Journal Article |

  • Uncovering Student Ideas in Science, Volume 2, Second Edition: 25 More Formative Assessment Probes

    NSTA Press Book |

    “Leave no alternative science idea unchallenged!” could be the slogan of this second edition of Uncovering Student Ideas in Science, Volume 2. Like the others in the bestselling series, this book is loaded with…

  • Using Assessment to Help Students Learn

    Book Chapter |

    Assessment in the classroom is more than tests and quizzes on Friday. It is an everyday feature of classroom life. Students and teachers use assessment, for example, when they gauge the quality of a response to a…

  • Improving Learning in Science With Formative Assessment

    Book Chapter |

    In recent years, the No Child Left Behind law has focused attention on student achievement in science across the United States, but there are more important reasons for being concerned with student achievement. The…

  • Assessing PISA 2006 Scientific Competencies

    Book Chapter |

    This chapter begins by considering what is meant by scientific literacy and how the PISA 2006 scientific competencies encompass basic components of scientific literacy. Then it describes some examples of how these…

  • Building a Culture of Faculty-Owned Assessment

    Book Chapter |

    With so much at stake for both students and institutions, it is imperative that colleges and universities support faculty and others in comprehensive assessment efforts and act on changes suggested by assessment data.…

  • Eleven Assessment Lessons Learned at the Gate

    Book Chapter |

    As a "gateway" instructor for more than 30 years, the author learned a few things about assessing the "typical" community college student. "Gateway" is the polite euphemism for suggesting you will always be teaching the…

  • Assessing and Addressing Student Science Ideas

    Book Chapter |

    Our students are not blank slates. They come to school with a wide range of experiences that have shaped their science understandings—reading books, watching TV, and playing video games. From many years of research…

  • Strategies for Assessing Science and Language Learning

    Book Chapter |

    In this chapter, the authors give an overview of principles for assessing language learners in science. They describe how to plan assessment, how to use it in the classroom, and how to provide feedback and improve…

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