Book Chapter |
The atmosphere is made up of a variety of gases, but it is gases like water vapor and carbon dioxide, which make up a small fraction of the air, that have the biggest impact on us in terms of precipitation, pollutants,…
The Percentage of Oxygen in the Atmosphere
Book Chapter |
How do we know how much of each gas is in the atmosphere? We cannot see the individual atoms that make up the air and, even if we could, we would not be able to count all of the atoms to see which type of atom is most…
Sources of CO2 in the Atmosphere
Book Chapter |
In this session, students discover some sources of CO2 in the atmosphere and compare their relative concentrations. The primary objective, in addition to being an interesting lab, is to show students that there is a…
Lab 18: Carbon Dioxide Levels in the Atmosphere
Book Chapter |
In this lab investigation, students are introduced to the disciplinary core ideas of (a) Human Impacts on Earth Systems and (b) Global Climate Change as they determine whether carbon dioxide (CO2) levels and average…
Atmospheric Scientist Shawn Urbanski
Journal Article |
Atmospheric scientists study the chemical composition of the atmosphere. More specifically, they look at how atmospheric gases, liquids, and solids interact both with each other and with the earth’s surface. This helps…
Journal Article |
Many undergraduates use research internships to gain experience for graduate school. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) programs involve heavy research and lab work duties, for which students are…
An Interview With Atmospheric Scientist Shawn Urbanski
Journal Article |
Atmospheric scientists study the chemical composition of the atmosphere. More specifically, they look at how atmospheric gases, liquids, and solids interact both with each other and with the earth's surface. This helps…
Virtual Storm Chase: Bringing the Atmospheric Sciences to Life Through an Interactive Case Study
Journal Article |
An in-class case study is presented for use in a liberal arts core extreme weather course, designed to foster science literacy, appreciation, and critical thinking skills in nonscience majors.
Scope on the Skies: Exploring the Earth's Atmosphere
Journal Article |
This column focuses on astronomy throughout the year. This month’s issue details information about the layers of the atmosphere.
Focus on Physics: The Ever-Present Atmospheric Pressure
Journal Article |
This column helps teachers build an understanding of physical principles. In this issue atmospheric pressure is explained.
Using Authentic Data to Enhance Middle School Atmospheric Science Instruction
Journal Article |
Engage with authentic data to explore the relationship between cloud-top height and tornado formation.