Problem Solving in Biology: A Methodology
Journal Article |
A methodology is described that teaches science process by combining informal logic and a heuristic for rating factual reliability. This system facilitates student hypothesis formation, testing, and evaluation of…
Information Literacy in Introductory Biology
Journal Article |
Incorporating information literacy exercises into the science curriculum will help students to navigate through the myriad of information available in different formats, and to become better scientific thinkers and…
Editor’s Corner: Model Biology
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Models are at the core of the scientific enterprise. They help us make predictions, understand complex systems, generate new ideas, and visualize both the very large and the very small. The generation of models is the…
Biological Clocks and Circadian Rhythms
Journal Article |
The study of biological clocks and circadian rhythms is an excellent way to address the inquiry strand in the National Science Education Standards (NSES) (NRC 1996). Students can study these everyday phenomena by…
A Biology Course for Art Majors
Journal Article |
Developing an eye for science.
Science Sampler: The biological budget
Journal Article |
Students often have difficulty grasping the complexity of ecosystems and the importance of biodiversity. The following activity applies students’ creativity and basic math skills to creating a sustainable and diverse…
Favorite Demonstration: Biological Membranes
Journal Article |
This demonstration provides an excellent example of how eukaryotic cells are compartmentalized and how important the bilipid layer of the endomembrane system is in providing this sectioned architecture. This…