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Project-based learning (PBL) research is shown to improve students’ higher-order thinking skills. In this article, we describe an adaptation of the PBL model that is suitable for colleges with limited science,…
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This article looks at the effects of environmental factors such as classification, residence location, and employment status of Hispanic students who unsuccessfully completed first-semester general chemistry (Chem I) at…
Implementing Peer-Led Team Learning and Cyber Peer-Led Team Learning in an Organic Chemistry Course
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Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) is a small-group, collaborative problem-solving model that has significantly increased student performance in a variety of chemistry undergraduate courses and other STEM courses. Cyber Peer…
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Studies on the effectiveness of clickers in undergraduate chemistry courses are mixed, and there is disagreement on how to effectively leverage clickers to improve student learning performance. To fill a gap in the…
Book Chapter |
This chapter, by Sarah B. Boesdorfer, discusses how firsthand experience learning chemistry content, while engaged in science and engineering practices or crosscutting concepts, helps preservice teachers experience the…
Journal Article |
Pedagogical approaches for supporting students’ argumentative writing in science laboratories have not been fully established. This paper examines the development of argumentative abilities in undergraduate students…
Journal Article |
This study is an exploratory comparison of 69 Hispanic students enrolled in first-semester general chemistry (Chem I) who attended either a Hispanic-Serving or emerging Hispanic-Serving Institution and were not…
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This article explores results from a 3-year model of laboratory instruction, Project Synapse, that synthesized biology, chemistry, and communication curricula for first-year science majors at a STEM-focused university.…
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The COVID-19 pandemic forced instructors to suddenly pivot from in-person to remote teaching and students to rapidly adapt their learning strategies. During this emergency instruction period, 21 semistructured, one-on-…
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Too often, science courses (e.g, biology, chemistry, and physics) are disconnected from one another. When this happens, students often don’t see how the different disciplines relate to one another. For example, we have…
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Chemical mnemonic devices have been designed to aid students in understanding chemical concepts in previous years. This has been done for concepts such as oxyanions, ozonolysis, tautomerization mechanisms in organic…
Journal Article |
Students are encouraged to develop a set of scientific skills and disciplinary practices common across the STEM disciplines. These skills (scientific inquiry, quantitative skills, laboratory and computational skills,…
Chemistry Rocks: Redox chemistry as a geologic tool
Journal Article |
Teachers can use students’ interest in the color in rocks as a starting point for a redox chemistry lesson. In this activity, each group of students examines one or more of the rocks. By matching a rock’s color to a…
Journal Article |
With the convenience of fast-food restaurants on almost every corner, many young people are consuming these foods too often. Therefore, a group of concerned high school students in Wichita, Kansas, studied ratios of…