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  • Destination Science

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    There’s a cartoon making its way around the internet – the standard outlets – Facebook, Pinterest etc. that highlights what “normal people see on vacation” and how “scientists view their vacation.”  It has…

  • How Do You Captivate with Current Events?

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    Today is March 22nd which can mean a variety of things to a variety of people.  It’s close to the beginning of spring this year; it’s in the middle of March madness, and it is also World Water Day.  According…

  • What would YOUR End of the Year Recommendation (Resolution) be to the Business Community?

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    In 2007, Rising Above the Gathering Storm:  Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future (RAGS) was released from the National Academies Press and heralded the need for improved performance in…

  • What Meets YOUR Needs?

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    We often discuss differentiated or individualized instruction being important for students and then provide “one-size-fits-all” professional development for educators – the entire range from K-12. At one point in a…

  • Setting the Stage for Science

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    Now that we are back in school somewhere between a week and a month depending on where you live and what schedule your district adheres to, I thought it might be a great opportunity for all of us to step back and…

  • What About Lecturing? Recent Study States Not As Effective

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    “To lecture or not to lecture” – that seems to be the question that has received much attention in recent years.  It is similar to topics such as the positive/negative effects of drinking red wine, eating chocolate or…

  • Continue the Coversation on Debunking Myths or Pseudoscience

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    A few days ago, the Leaders Letter for May was sent out to those on the distribution list and it included a report about the Third National Climate Assessment and What Science Teachers Need to Know.  While current…

  • So what is a “must do” at an NSTA Conference?

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    This month we are looking for comments and recommendations on what you are most looking forward to at the upcoming conference on science education in Boston! Help our fellow educators by highlighting your “must do”…

  • Afterschool Science Engagement

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    In this month’s Reaching the Stakeholders section of the Leaders Letter, there is mention of a feature on NPR which raised the point about engagement of students in science in the classroom.  A follow up point about…

  • International Comparisons – Should We Pay Attention or Not? What Are Your Thoughts?

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    According to the Key Results of the PISA study which was recently released, “PISA assesses the extent to which 15-year-old students have acquired key knowledge and skills that are essential for full participation in…

  • What is your favorite children's or young adult book?

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    Recently, NSTA and the Children’s Book Council (CBC) announced the winners for the annual list of Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K–12 (books published in 2013).  Previous year’s lists and…

  • Talking about the Top Ten Technology Items Administrators Think About

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    This month’s The Leading Edge asks science education leaders to share their views on The Top Ten items identified by administrators as part of the Speak Up National Research Project which focused on the changing…

  • What’s Your Favorite Science App???

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    Word of mouth (or in this case text of blog) is one of the greatest ways to share ideas and new information.  While some apps have a fee associated with them and others do not, the ability to utilize apps in the…

  • All Standards, All Students

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      The Next Generation Science Standards has been released and is now available for download.  As with any new set of standards, there is always much discussion about the feasibility of implementing them…

  • What are your thoughts on The Condition of Education Report?

    Blog Post |

    The National Center for Education Statistics Releases The Condition of Education 2013 Report The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) released its annual report, The Condition of Education. This year’s report…

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