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  • What are your thoughts on The Condition of Education Report?

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    The National Center for Education Statistics Releases The Condition of Education 2013 Report The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) released its annual report, The Condition of Education. This year’s report…

  • What will we do, where will we go with the NGSS?

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    On Tuesday, April 9, the final Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), a new set of voluntary, rigorous, and internationally benchmarked standards for K—12 science education, were released. For more information on…

  • Incorporating the History of Science

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    In the most recent issue of the Leaders Letter, one of the features includes a discussion about the new NOVA Series which is appearing on PBS. The Secret Life of Scientists and Engineers which is developed and produced…

  • Your favorite professional development opportunity

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    This month’s topic for Continuing the Conversation focuses on discussing your favorite professional development opportunity that you participated in during your career. These could be online for face to face…

  • Teaching with current events

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    In this month’s Leaders Letter, the topic for the building content area focused on the recent record setting sky (or should we say space) jump conducted by Felix Baumgartner. The undertaking was sponsored by Red…

  • And the definition is??? Defining 21st century skills

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    Based on many different sectors requests to have schools integrate skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, and problem solving into academic subjects, the term of 21st century skills surfaced several years ago…

  • A point well taken about the Leading Edge

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    The Leading Edge is a blog that asks those involved in science education leadership whether that be administrators, policy makers, supervisors, state leaders to continue the conversation on something that was presented…

  • Mobile Technology

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    It is interesting teaching at the college level – the common phrase of “put your cell phones away during class” is still heard regularly.  I actually have one colleague who will confiscate the cell…

  • Not enough progress…but at least the right direction?

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    This month’s topic focuses on the NAEP results and the fact that while the results from the eighth graders knowledge of basic science test increased from 30% to 32% being rated “at or above proficient” the science…

  • Hot science topics of 2011

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    This month’s Leaders Letter provides several resources that list the top science stories of 2011—ranging from monthly highlights to high tech inventions. What was your favorite topic? What story caught your…

  • Treating the economy with STEM students

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    Treating the economy with STEM students By Shiv Gaglani I began doing medical research as a freshman. Not in college; in high school. I had the good fortune of being able to find a professional scientist who…

  • Professional Learning Communities and You!

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    The question for this issue of the Leaders Letter focused around professional learning communities people are involved in as well as the benefits that each person has received.  In Professional Learning Communities for…

  • Preparation for the future….

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    “Ways you promote college preparedness and career readiness skills in your science classroom.” is the topic for this blog….while we always have those items that we “must” teach in the classroom which…

  • What are STEM activities in your school, district or state?

    Blog Post |

    In this month’s Leaders Letter, some of the questions posted connect to STEM related activities in your area.  To start the topic off, I’d like to highlight some upcoming possible STEM initiatives that…

  • NSTA to Begin Search for New Executive Director

    Press Release |

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