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  • Citizen Science in Your Own Backyard

    Journal Article |

    In this article the authors share some citizen science entomology investigations and suggest how to incorporate them as "backyard extensions" of your own classroom lessons.

  • Citizen Science International Pellet Watch

    Journal Article |

    Scour local beaches for evidence of plastic resin pellets inadvertently released into our oceans.

  • Citizen Science: I See Change: Do You?

    Journal Article |

    This column highlights formal and informal science research projects that students can join and contribute to by gathering and sharing data. This article describes the I See Change project, which integrates citizen…

  • Citizen Science: Did You Feel It?

    Journal Article |

    This column highlights formal and informal science research projects that students can join and contribute to by gathering and sharing data. Shake up your Earth science classroom with earthquake citizen science.

  • Beavers From Space!

    Journal Article |

    Beavers are social mammals who live in groups, known as colonies, and they construct dams and lodges, which modify the surrounding landscape. In their role as “ecosystem engineers,” beavers are considered to be a “…

  • Caterpillars Count

    Journal Article |

    Citizen Science column

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