Climate Change Education: A Model of Justice-Oriented STEM Education
Journal Article |
Teaching and Learning About Global Climate Change Online
Journal Article |
Sessions of our laboratory-based physics course have been “meeting” synchronously online instead of on campus due to the pandemic. Shifting to remote instruction prompted us to create online versions of the course. In…
Facilitating Emancipatory and Justice-Centered Environmental and Climate Learning
Journal Article |
Weather Versus Climate: What’s the Difference?
Journal Article |
Building Teacher Professional Learning Infrastructure for Climate Justice Education
Journal Article |
Beyond Doom and Gloom: Teaching Climate Change to Foster Empowerment
Journal Article |
Science 2.0: Teaching the Facts About Climate Change
Journal Article |
This column shares web tools that support learning. This month’s issue discusses the need for teachers to ensure that students learn the scientific facts about climate change, absent of bias and assumption.
Connected Climate Change Learning Through Citizen Science
Journal Article |
Educators in rural Alaska assessed and implemented effective strategies for Indigenous youth in rural Alaska to use GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment), a K–12 classroom learning program…
Guest Editorial: Exploring Climate Justice Learning: Visions, Challenges, and Opportunities
Journal Article |
Web Seminar |
The National Climate Assessment is a major scientific report developed by several government agencies that describes climate change in the United States. This session will highlight the science found in the report, and…
Journal Article |
To expose students to critical analysis of media and emphasize the nature of science, we required them to access scientific reports and participate in mandatory peer discussions. The vast majority of students indicated…
Teaching Climate Change Through Educational Resources From America’s National Parks
Journal Article |
Archive: Science Update: State of the Climate, October 14, 2021
Web Seminar |
What's the latest understanding about whether storms are getting more intense? What about heatwaves? Fires? Droughts? How do we determine how these extremes are - or aren't - related to climate change? And, where…