Crosscutting Concepts: Strengthening Science and Engineering Learning
NSTA Press Book |
Maybe you have a good grasp of disciplinary core ideas and science and engineering practices—critical parts of the Next Generation Science Standards—but you are looking for more resources about integrating crosscutting…
Exploring the Practices and Crosscutting Concepts
Book Chapter |
This chapter provides a series of activities to help science teachers understand the three dimensions of the Framework for K–12 Science Education—science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and…
Focusing the Lens of the Crosscutting Concepts on Secondary Science Learning
Journal Article |
Integrating Crosscutting Concepts and Literacy Strategies to Support Visual Literacy
Journal Article |
Crosscutting Concepts: Strengthening Science and Engineering Learning (Book Sample)
Book Chapter |
Maybe you have a good grasp of disciplinary core ideas and science and engineering practices—critical parts of the Next Generation Science Standards—but you are looking for more resources about integrating crosscutting…
Helping Students Use Crosscutting Concepts to Guide Sensemaking of Anchoring Phenomena
Journal Article |
Crosscutting concepts (CCCs) are designed to help students make sense of phenomena across multiple scientific disciplines (National Research Council 2012). Since they are applicable to explaining so many different…
Book Chapter |
This chapter, by Sarah B. Boesdorfer, discusses how firsthand experience learning chemistry content, while engaged in science and engineering practices or crosscutting concepts, helps preservice teachers experience the…
Book Chapter |
This chapter, by Norman G. Lederman, Judith S. Lederman, and Selina L. Bartels, reviews the Next Generation Science Standards and then offers examples of elementary science methods teachers can use to apply the NGSS in…
Journal Article |
This study aims to contribute to the growing body of research on the role of crosscutting concepts (CCCs) in three-dimensional (3D) teaching and learning by examining the complexity of elementary preservice teachers’ (…
Crosscutting Concepts as Productive Ways of Thinking
Journal Article |
Tips and techniques for creative teaching
Book Chapter |
This chapter, by Ann T. S. Taylor and Joseph W. Shane, discusses ideas for embedding aspects of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) within biology courses that prospective teachers commonly complete at the…
Book Chapter |
This chapter, by Mary Colson, explores changes to instructional planning that support three-dimensional learning, including specific techniques for helping students figure out possible explanations for observable…
The Second Dimension—Crosscutting Concepts
Journal Article |
The author discusses the Framework's Crosscutting Concepts, specifically Dimension Two.
The Second Dimension—Crosscutting Concepts
Journal Article |
The author focuses on the Frameworks crosscutting concepts, specifically Dimension Two.