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Applying Knowledge in Context Science is not meant to be taught in a vacuum. It provides a critical foundation for understanding the world around us, but in many of our country’s schools, the science curriculum is reduced to lists of facts cut off from the context of what makes them important. Teaching only the…
Member Web Seminar |
Join us on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM ET, for the fourth (and last) web seminar in this series about the Crosscutting Concepts.Presenters will discuss assessment shifts of the Crosscutting Concepts (…
NSTA Virtual Conference: The Crosscutting Concepts as Lenses to Explore Phenomena, February 8, 2020
Virtual Conference |
Crosscutting concepts are sometimes the neglected dimension of the NGSS and other standards based on the Framework for K-12 Science Education. But crosscutting concepts can provide students a useful lens for making…
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Calendar December 2024Friday, Dec. 20Registration Open • NSTA National Conference in PhiladelphiaHousing Registration Open • NSTA National Conference in PhiladelphiaApplications Open • Reservations of Exhibitor Workshops, NSTA National Conferences in Philadelphia and MinneapolisApplications and Nominations Open • NSTA…
Press Release |
How Are the Standards Different?
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How Are the Standards Different? New Standards for a New Generation In April 2013, the science education community welcomed Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The voluntary standards describe important scientific ideas and practices that all students should learn by the time they leave…
Member Web Seminar |
Join us on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM ET, for the second web seminar in this series about the Crosscutting Concepts.Attendees will engage in observation and scientific sensemaking paired with…
Transforming Science Learning: Making Sense of Data Through the Crosscutting Concepts, May 7, 2024
Member Web Seminar |
Join us on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM ET, for the third web seminar in this series about the Crosscutting Concepts.Participants will learn about and engage with effective instructional strategies,…
WI25: Supporting Student Sensemaking with the Crosscutting Concepts: Topic Study for K-12 Educators
Web Seminar Series |
Join us on four consecutive Tuesdays, February 18, 25, March 4, and 11, 2025, to experience the crosscutting concepts (CCCs) as powerful lenses and tools for student sensemaking when partnered with the science and…
Guidelines for Authors: Science Scope
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Guidelines for Authors: Science Scope About Science Scope Science Scope is an award-winning, peer-reviewed, practitioners' journal for grade 6–8 teachers, university faculty responsible for teacher preparation, and state and district science supervisors and leaders. Science Scope is published…
Past National Congresses on Science Education
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Past National Congresses on Science Education Minutes and Other Documents20242023—Virtual2022—Virtual2021—Virtual2020—Virtual2019—Alexandria, VA2018—Little Rock, AR2017—Buffalo, NY2016—Denver, CO2015—Omaha, NE2014—Washington, DC2013—San Juan, PRWorkshop PresentationsNSTA Learning Center (Flavio Mendez)Fiscal…
Guidelines for Authors: Science and Children
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Guidelines for Authors: Science and Children About Science and Children Science and Children is an award-winning, peer-reviewed, practitioners' journal for grade PreK–5 teachers, university faculty responsible for teacher preparation, and state and district science supervisors and leaders. Science…