Scientific Inquiry, Student Learning, and the Science Curriculum
Book Chapter |
What we know about student learning establishes links between scientific inquiry and the science curriculum. In this chapter, the author discusses scientific inquiry and the current learning research. He then proposes…
“Horsing Around”: Curriculum-Instruction-Assessment Problems
Book Chapter |
The nature of science (NOS) involves actively seeking (rather than avoiding) challenging problems that may require looking at situations differently and thinking outside of artificially imposed constraints. Science,…
A Terrible Test That Teaches: Curriculum-Embedded Assessment
Book Chapter |
In this activity, a “terrible test” appears to be impossible to pass. However, it is intentionally designed to include common errors in item construction that, if noticed, allow the test-wise learner to ace the test…
Fulfilling National Aspirations Through
Curriculum ReformBook Chapter |
This chapter and chapter 7 provide contemporary perspectives on the response of science education to national priorities and goals. This theme is explored with reflections from the Sputnik era of curriculum reform.…
A Guide for Leading a Study Group on the Total Curriculum
Book Chapter |
The procedure outlined in this chapter is the next step in understanding the full array of what is in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and will prepare your team for the more comprehensive step of examining…
Diversity in the Physical Science Curriculum: The Intellectual Challenge
Book Chapter |
In this chapter, the author argues that integrating science with the real and pressing concerns of human beings on this planet is a powerful way to give race, ethnicity, class, and gender a rightful place in our science…
Leading Effective Science Curriculum-Based Learning
Journal Article |
Leadership Matters
Using Key Features to Analyze and Modify Curriculum for the NGSS
Journal Article |
Designing a Science Curriculum to Enhance Students' Scientific Literacy
Book Chapter |
Over the past two decades or so, the term scientific literacy has become prominent in discussions of the school science curriculum and proposals for improving it. If improving students' scientific literacy is to become…
Nano2Earth Curriculum and the National Science Education Standards
Book Chapter |
With the Nano2Earth curriculum, students learn about nanotechnology and nanoscience by using inquiry to study groundwater pollution. The curriculum is designed to meet the National Science Education Standards (NSES) for…
Achieving a Vision of Inquiry: Rigorous, Engaging Curriculum and Instruction
Book Chapter |
The changing emphases of the National Science Education Standards (NSES) have spurred many school districts to reinvent their science programs. New curricula development by National Science Foundation-funded programs…
NSTA Press Book |
Scientific literacy for all students requires a deep understanding of the three dimensions of science education: disciplinary content, scientific and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts. If you actively…
Reaching the Zone of Optimal Learning: The Alignment of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Book Chapter |
The authors discuss curriculum, instruction, and assessment and how their integration enables students to achieve a strong knowledge base in science. After examining conventional beliefs and more contemporary views of…
Measurements and Molecules Matter: Less Is More and Curriculum "Survival of the Fittest"
Book Chapter |
Many famous scientific discoveries have been made when an experimenter noticed something unusual or a mistake and followed up on the serendipitous discrepancy rather than ignoring it as others had done. This free…