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Earth Day
Book Chapter |
This activity is for discovering what makes streamers move. On a breezy day, give each child a small stick with a streamer attached. Let children explore with their streamers and challenge them to walk in different…
Book Chapter |
Using a model, learners explore time zones and what causes day and night and how time zones change. Learners observed the position of the Sun in the sky at different times of day and relate those positions to the…
Journal Article |
Book Chapter |
Students may have the idea that all mountains are volcanoes and were formed by eruptions. The story in this chapter brings up questions about the geology of mountains and the weathering and erosion that takes place as…
Book Chapter |
The purpose of this story used in this chapter is to help students learn about the source of heat energy that warms their planet. Of course that is the Sun, and it only has an effect on the temperature of the Earth when…
Book Chapter |
In this Activity, students write an original, creative story about the movement of a water molecule through the hydrologic cycle.
Book Chapter |
The purpose of this probe is to elicit students’ ideas about the changing length of daylight with the change in seasons. The probe is designed to find out if students can relate the apparent path of the Sun as seen from…
Book Chapter |
The purpose of this story used in this chapter is to help students learn about the source of heat energy that warms their planet. Of course that is the Sun, and it only has an effect on the temperature of the Earth when…
Book Chapter |
Students may have the idea that all mountains are volcanoes and were formed by eruptions. The story in this chapter brings up questions about the geology of mountains and the weathering and erosion that takes place as…
All in a Day's Work, 2nd Edition: Careers Using Science
NSTA Press Book |
“Almost all careers in the 21st century require a working knowledge of science and mathematics,” says Steve Metz, The Science Teacher field editor, in his introduction to All in a Day’s Work, 2nd edition. “The pending…
Book Chapter |
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about the day-night cycle. The probe is designed to find out if students can relate the shape of the Earth and its spin to why we have day and night.
How Long Is a Day on the Moon?
Book Chapter |
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about the day-night cycle on the Moon. The probe is designed to find out if students can coordinate two concepts: the Moon turns once on its axis each…
The First and Most Important Day of Class
Journal Article |
Focus on Physics