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  • All Disabilities resources

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  • Supporting Students With Disabilities in STEM

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    Jason, is this big enough?” My seventh-grade teacher asked me about the text on the whiteboard, in front of the entire class. Much to my horror, she continued to ask this repeatedly for what felt like the rest of the…

  • Communication Disorders

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    Communication Disorders Communication Disorders involve a wide variety of problems in speech, language, and hearing. For example, speech and language disorders include stuttering, aphasia, dysfluency, voice disorders (hoarseness, breathiness, or sudden breaks in loudness or pitch), cleft lip and/or…

  • Other Health Impairments

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    Other Health Impairments According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004, a student can qualify for special education services under the coding of “Other Health Impairment” (OHI), defined as “having limited strength, vitality, or alertness, including a heightened alertness…

  • Including Students With Disabilities in Advanced Science Classes

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    The 2013 National Science Foundation (NSF) report Women, Minorities, and Persons With Disabilities in Science and Engineering indicates that “U.S. citizens and permanent residents earned higher numbers of science…

  • Teacher’s Toolkit: Helping middle school students with learning disabilities pass the federally mandated science tests—Science instruction, study skills, and test-taking strategies

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    Since the passage of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) in 2002, and the amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in 2004, the majority of students with learning disabilities take science courses as part…

  • Behavioral Disorders

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    Behavioral Disorders Behavioral disorders also known as conduct disorders are one of the most common forms of disability among children and young adults and is the most frequently cited reason for referral to mental health services. The appearance of behavioral disorders is increasing dramatically in…

  • Reading and Organizational Challenges

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    Reading and Organizational Challenges Reading Disabilities Reading disabilities are among the most common and far reaching disabilities.  If a child has difficulty reading they are unable to access most of the information presented in school and in addition they are usually very reluctant learners…

  • Color Blindness (Dyschromacy)

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    Color Blindness (Dyschromacy) Color “blindness” is more correctly known as color “deficiency” or dyschromacy. It is the inability to see or identify certain colors of the visible light spectrum. Approximately 8% of the population have color difficulties (estimates range from 4-12%). This means that…

  • Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students

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    Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students Hearing loss often appears to be an invisible disability until the student enters the classroom. The challenges for students are anchored in learning language, learning how to listen and speak (if possible) and in learning how to read and write. In nearly all cases,…

  • NSTA Social Media Comment Policy

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    NSTA Social Media Comment Policy The purpose of NSTA’s participation in social media is to engage with the science and STEM education community, enhance communication and collaboration, contribute to relevant conversations, and promote NSTA’s programs, products, and services. We encourage and welcome comments. However…

  • Attendee Resources

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    Attendee Resources NSTA Virtual Conferences Looking for software, lab equipment, specimens, lesson plans, or new ways to teach science and STEM concepts—visit the NSTA Marketplace. Our Marketplace Partners have loaded their Resource pages with videos, materials and product descriptions. Looking for something specific?…

  • Science Education Checklist

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    Science Education Checklist “What Should I Look for in the Science Program in My Child's School?” A Guide for Parents developed by SciMathMN Parents often ask, What can I do to support good science education? One of the most helpful things parents can do is support not only their student, but also the schools and…

  • Autism

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    Autism According to the Council for Exceptional Children, autism is a “spectrum disorder within a group of developmental disabilities defined by significant impairments in social interaction and communication, and by the presence of unusual behaviors and interests,” such as repetitive and stereotypic…

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