Early childhood teachers respond to request for resources on Earth and Life Science
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Children observe and document seasonal changes as they begin to learn how living organisms respond to their environment. Do you have resources for early childhood teachers who are struggling to teach earth science…
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In my early childhood experiences in a small creek below our house where neighborhood children waded and built dams, I learned many science and engineering concepts — the pushing force of moving water, its erosion of…
Yes, a science teachers' conference IS the place for early childhood teachers
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I’m looking forward to the NSTA Regional Conference in Portland, Oregon, in November, a cornucopia of a conference so full of interesting presentations that each of my time slots is double (sometimes triple)…
When early childhood educators conference & talk about science education
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The National Science Teachers Association’s annual conference brings educators from many places in the world together to build their science teaching skills, science content, reaffirm connections with colleagues and…
Importance of teaching science in early childhood promoted by NSTA President Alan McCormack
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For any who did not get a chance to read the wonderfully supportive statement by the National Science Teachers Association president, Alan McCormack in the 12/7/10 NSTA Reports It’s Time for More Early Childhood Science…
National Science Teachers Association and NAEYC Join Forces to Enrich Early Childhood Science
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The world of a young child is full of “wow.” Children are constantly observing, exploring and discovering phenomena around them. From those activities they build models of how they think the world works and make…
What the new NSTA Early Childhood Science Education position statement means to me
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The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) has adopted a new position statement, the Early Childhood Science Position Statement. This thoughtful document was inspired by the clamor of early childhood educators…
Nature experiences and empathy—see the March issues of journals for early childhood educators
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Both the NSTA journal Science and Children, and the NAEYC journal Young Children, were especially riveting this month, March of 2012. I quickly look through the journals to get a feel for the issue, and then put them in…
Meeting with others about early childhood STEM education–at a conference, at the White House
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The powerful learning that comes of getting together with others who are interested in the same topic can lead to action that increases opportunities for all children to engage in science and engineering explorations.…
Teaching STEM in the Preschool Classroom
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The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) has endorsed the National Science Teachers Association’s (NSTA) new position statement on Early Childhood Science Education. Thank you to all the…
Early Childhood and Lower Elementary Teachers Need to Attend the 6th Annual STEM Forum & Expo
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Come join us at the 6th Annual STEM Forum & Expo. It is the event where early childhood and lower elementary teachers need to be. It is a unique event where you will find a great deal of focused ideas on how to…
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NGSS for Our Youngest Learners: Explorations in Coding
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