Ed News: Coaching Is A Promising PD Strategy For Early Educators
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This week in education news, new report provides guidance on effective coaching models for teachers working with young children; one third of college students in the U.S. change their majors at least once; Iowa’s STEM…
Wooden unit blocks and representing their use in early childhood education
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Working with and reading about the work of other educators is inspiring. While observing or mentoring in different programs I am given an education and opportunity to reflect on my own practice. The teachers in the…
Join in forming a Science Interest Forum for early childhood educators
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Dear early childhood educators and researchers, We’re writing to invite you to join us in applying to NAEYC to form an Early Childhood Science Interest Forum. The purpose of the forum is to: Provide a forum for the…
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Draft Early Childhood Science Education Position Statement—comment please!
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When children compare a wet cloth to a dry cloth, is this teaching a science concept? What role do adults have in preschool science learning? Should teachers discuss science facts with preschoolers or only engage them…
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The United States is not graduating enough science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) majors for the increasing number of available employment opportunities and national security needs. The purpose of…
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This study presents a quasi-experiment to assess differences in student performance and satisfaction between two different delivery modes—online and face-to-face education. We collected data from 747 (373 face-to-face…
What the new NSTA Early Childhood Science Education position statement means to me
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The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) has adopted a new position statement, the Early Childhood Science Position Statement. This thoughtful document was inspired by the clamor of early childhood educators…
Nature experiences and empathy—see the March issues of journals for early childhood educators
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Both the NSTA journal Science and Children, and the NAEYC journal Young Children, were especially riveting this month, March of 2012. I quickly look through the journals to get a feel for the issue, and then put them in…
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Meeting with others about early childhood STEM education–at a conference, at the White House
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The powerful learning that comes of getting together with others who are interested in the same topic can lead to action that increases opportunities for all children to engage in science and engineering explorations.…
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The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) has endorsed the National Science Teachers Association’s (NSTA) new position statement on Early Childhood Science Education. Thank you to all the…
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