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  • Feel the Pulse of Earth Science!

    Journal Article |

    Each year, the American Geological Institute (AGI) organizes Earth Science Week to help monitor and spread Earth science literacy. This year marks the 10th annual Earth Science Week, which is geared to promote better…

  • Earth System Science Project

    Journal Article |

    For several decades, science teachers have used bottles for classroom projects designed to teach students about biology. A model terrarium enclosed in a glass bottle was described in the 1975 edition of Science and…

  • Connecting Earth Systems: Developing Holistic Understanding Through the Earth-System-Science Model

    Journal Article |

    Explore how the four Earth systems—the hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere—interact and are impacted by human activity.

  • Earth Systems in a Bottle: Building Earth systems teaches students an integrated environmental lesson

    Journal Article |

    Earth and its systems, a natural integrated unit, incorporate an understanding of biology, physics, chemistry, and geology. The various systems on Earth are interrelated—changes in one system control or regulate…

  • Idea Bank: Earth Systems in Silence

    Journal Article |

    The “Earth Systems in Silence” activity is designed to help high school students make personal connections to the people and the science involved in natural disasters. It is used as a culminating project in a semester-…

  • Tried and True: Earth’s reflection—Albedo

    Journal Article |

    When viewing objects of different colors, you might notice that some appear brighter than others. This is because light is reflected differently from various surfaces, depending on their physical properties. The word…

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