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  • Using Google Earth to Teach the Magnitude of Deep Time

    Journal Article |

    Most timeline analogies of geologic and evolutionary time are flawed, causing an understanding of relative time with little comprehension of absolute time. Using Google Earth, one can construct an ideal timeline analogy…

  • Be A Citizen Scientist! Celebrate Earth Science Week 2006

    Journal Article |

    During Earth Science Week (October 8-14, 2006), millions of citizen scientists world-wide sampled groundwater, monitored weather, toured quarries, explored caves, prepared competition projects, and visited museums and…

  • Using Google Earth to Study the Basic Characteristics of Volcanoes

    Journal Article |

    With the advent of Google Earth and the database of volcanoes supplied by the Smithsonian Institution’s Global Volcanism Program, students can describe almost any volcano on Earth. In this article, the authors guide…

  • Eyes on Planet Earth! Exploring Your Local Watershed

    Journal Article |

    Encourage students to investigate their local watershed and become involved in assessing and monitoring the quality of water with the help of this month's poster from the American Geological Institute.

  • Exploration Science: A case history from Earth orbit

    Journal Article |

    The intent of this case history is to encourage science fair organizers to permit students to submit observational science projects, not just experimental ones. The author shares a condensed example of his own research…

  • Dig Into Mining Reclamation during Earth Science Week

    Journal Article |

    Mining reclamation is defined as the process of returning mined land to productive and beneficial use. How this is accomplished depends on the type of mine, its location, and the degree to which the land was disrupted…

  • Scope on Safety: Hammering home Earth-science safety

    Journal Article |

    Kids love to cut up, tear apart, and smash things in order to study them. This is one reason they get so excited about the opportunity to study rocks and minerals in the lab or out in the field. Although this can…

  • Svithjod, Stories, and Songs: Rewriting Earth Science in Creative Ways

    Journal Article |

    Explore Earth science concepts through the language arts. In this article, creative writing and observation exercises help students to improve their writing skills, increase their understanding of Earth science, and…

  • Reflections on Earth—Remote-Sensing Research from Your Classroom

    Journal Article |

    The Smithsonian Institution, with support from Honda, has developed a program entitled Reflections on Earth to provide resources for remote-sensing education. Through this program, teachers and students have access to…

  • The <i>Next Generation Science Standards</i> and the Earth and Space Sciences

    Journal Article |

    This article examines the important features of Earth and space science standards for elementary, middle, and high school levels.

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