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  • Earth's Energy

    Collection |

  • Earth Sciences

    Collection |

  • Earth and Space

    Collection |

  • Earth and Space

    Collection |

  • Earth science

    Collection |

  • Earth Structures

    Collection |

  • Earth Science

    Collection |

  • Earth Resources

    Collection |

    Earth Resources human impact, etc

  • Earth Resources

    Collection |

    Earth Resources human impact, etc

  • Earth Science

    Collection |

    Resources related to geology, astronomy, meteorology and oceanography.

  • Earth Science

    Collection |

    This collection contains several different resources for teachers who aim to teach their elementary students about earth science.

  • Earth Science

    Collection |

    Erosion probe

  • Earth's Atmosphere

    Collection |

  • Earth's Atmosphere

    Collection |

  • Earth Day

    Blog Post |

    “Think globally, act locally” is a phrase we hear, and for younger students, thinking locally is important, too. Earth Day is celebrated on April 22, but the activities and investigations described in this month’s…

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