Online Courses: AMNH Seminars on Science: Earth: Inside and Out
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Dynamic Earth Systems How does the Earth and its atmosphere continuously interact to shape the planet and make life possible? Look at—and into—the planet through the eyes of a geologist. You'll see how scientists "…
Earth Science Week Resources from the National Science Teachers Association
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Earth Science Week is October 13–19, 2013. Take a world tour, solve a mystery, apply to be named the Environmental Science Educator of the Year, or delve into an entire year’s worth of lessons with this resource…
Early childhood teachers respond to request for resources on Earth and Life Science
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Children observe and document seasonal changes as they begin to learn how living organisms respond to their environment. Do you have resources for early childhood teachers who are struggling to teach earth science…
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Science Education Checklist “What Should I Look for in the Science Program in My Child's School?” A Guide for Parents developed by SciMathMN Parents often ask, What can I do to support good science education? One of the most helpful things parents can do is support not only their student, but also the schools and…
April brings "real science," Citizen Science Day, and Earth Day
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Citizen Science Day is April 14, and these projects are a wonderful way for young children to continue their science learning by being part of a larger science effort doing “real science.” (For the record, I…