Book Chapter |
This chapter, by Michael A. Gibson, discusses an adaptable instruction activity used in undergraduate Earth science courses with preservice teachers to illustrate the gains in conceptual understanding that result from…
Observing Environmental Changes from Earth's Orbit
Journal Article |
Astronomy throughout the year.
Using Scientific Argumentation to Understand Human Impact on the Earth
Journal Article |
Using High-Adventure Science to help students develop critical thinking and scientific argumentation skills
Journal Article |
Nearly everything that we do each day is connected in some way to Earth--to its land, oceans, atmosphere, plants, and animals. To fully understand and appreciate our planet, students need to learn about its processes,…
Journal Article |
Earth scientists gather and analyze evidence of change on Earth through time to increase our understanding of the geologic past and the history of life. Students can experience the excitement and challenges of the…
Journal Article |
Unpacking the relationship between energy and temperature to understand climate change