Guidelines for Authors: Science Scope
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Guidelines for Authors: Science Scope About Science Scope Science Scope is an award-winning, peer-reviewed, practitioners' journal for grade 6–8 teachers, university faculty responsible for teacher preparation, and state and district science supervisors and leaders. Science Scope is published…
Online Supplementary Files 2007-2020
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Online Supplementary Files 2007-2020 November/December 2020The Aurora BorealisStudent WorksheetSolar wind velocity data and answer keySolar storm answer keyConnecting to the Next Generation Science StandardsThe Lives of Staph (Idea Bank)Appendix AAppendix BAppendix CAppendix DAppendix EAppendix…
Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K–12 2025
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Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K–12 2025 In the award-winning books below, you'll find not only traditional science content but also elements of engineering and design. We hope you'll enjoy exploring science through this collection of outstanding children’s books.…
Online Connections (2010-2021)
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Online Connections (2010-2021) July-August 2021Under the SeaStandardized rubric for analyzing healthy and impacted coralStudent worksheet for organizing evidenceUsing Big Data to Understand the History of Planet EarthConnecting to the Next Generation Science StandardsDelving Into the Database…
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Blick on Flicks The latest (and final) Blick on Flicks: The End of Something: Blick on Flicks Looks Back Your browser does not support the audio element. Read the review We all love watching movies. But we also love science. And sometimes the two don't mix! To help us…
Shell Science Lab Regional Challenge Testimonials
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Shell Science Lab Regional Challenge Testimonials LaConner High School – Todd Hinderman On behalf of LaConner High School and myself, we are truly grateful for the grant award money through the Shell Lab Science Challenge Regional competition. This award has allowed me to upgrade and purchase some very necessary and…
Online Supplementary Files 2003-2021
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Online Supplementary Files 2003-2021 July/August 2021Teaching Through Trade Books—Pushing, Pulling, and Predicting Force PatternsK-23-5Engineering Encounters—Turn Up the Music!Turn Up The Music Supplemental Resources Using Toys to Create a Global ConnectionUsing Toys…
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OSTB 2021 Winning Titles Animal Homes Mary Holland Arbordale Publishing Take a home tour of selected bugs, birds, and mammals. Beautiful, full-page photos complement descriptions, materials, and uses of animals’ homes. A Spanish edition is available (Also in Spanish, Las casas de los…
Student-Centered Learning in an Earth Science, Preservice, Teacher-Education Course
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In an effort to get elementary teachers to teach more science in the classroom, a required preservice science education course was designed to promote the use of hands-on teaching techniques. This paper describes course…
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