Archive: Science Update: Earthquakes: What’s Shakin? September 15, 2022
Web Seminar |
Did you feel it? An earthquake is a shaking movement of the Earth’s Crust as stress overcomes friction. This web seminar will provide basic background to help attendees make sense of this natural phenomenon. …
Science Sampler: Connecte2d Teaching—A comprehensive resource for teaching science using earthquakes
Journal Article |
The Connecte2d Technology website is an all-inclusive web resource linking the study of earthquakes and engineering design to middle school science, mathematics, and technology. Through the use of interdisciplinary…
Why Should We Prepare for Earthquakes?
Lesson Plan |
Case Study |
What Do You Know About Volcanoes and Earthquakes?
Lesson Plan |
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about plate tectonic features and events. The probe is designed to uncover commonly held misconceptions about volcanoes and earthquakes.
Why Do Earthquakes Occur Where They Do?
Lesson Plan |
Teaching resources for the Japanese earthquake and tsunami
Blog Post |
The devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan is on the minds of all of us, including our students. The event and aftermath is tragic and the continuing nuclear emergency is a reminder of how fragile society can be.…
Girl Pulled Alive from Ruins, 15 Days after Earthquake
Case Study |
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OSTB 2021 Winning Titles Animal Homes Mary Holland Arbordale Publishing Take a home tour of selected bugs, birds, and mammals. Beautiful, full-page photos complement descriptions, materials, and uses of animals’ homes. A Spanish edition is available (Also in Spanish, Las casas de los…
Journal Article |