Electricity and Magnetism: Stop Faking It! Finally Understanding Science So You Can Teach It
NSTA Press Book |
Shocked by static? Mixed up about magnets? Curious about currents? This book will help you get beyond memorizing electricity-related formulas, rules, and procedures so you can understand the topic at a deep level—deep…
Fourth-Grade Scientists Investigate Electric Circuits
Book Chapter |
Trisha Kagey Boswell is a third-grade teacher at an elementary school in Montgomery County, Maryland, where she has taught for eight years. Her school is an art-integrated magnet school. When she wrote this chapter, she…
Where Can You Find Electric Charge?
Book Chapter |
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about electric charge. It is designed to determine whether students recognize that electrically charged particles are found in all matter. Its important…
NSTA Press Book |
If you and your students can’t get enough of a good thing, Volume 2 of Uncovering Student Ideas in Physical Science is just what you need. The book offers 39 new formative assessment probes, this time with a focus on…
Static Electricity: Charging Up Two-by-Four Teaching
Book Chapter |
Static electricity is created when two different insulating materials are rubbed together, creating friction that allows electrons to shift from one material to the other. In this activity, a 6-8 ft., 2 in. x 4 in.…
How Do You Think About the Flow of Electric Current Through a Circuit?
Book Chapter |
The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about electric current. It is designed to identify the mental models students use to explain how electric current flows in a simple circuit. The probe is…
Journal Article |
In this article, we use the strategies listed above to engage students in a 5E lesson on static electricity (partially addressing MS-PS2-3). We start the engage phase by using a “magic trick” as a hook to engage…
Journal Article |
By working with a common and familar item such as a strand of holiday lights, students learned how different types of wiring affect uses and outcomes. This simple and enjoyable activity helped students understand…
Focus on Physics: Electric Power in a Parallel Circuit With an Automobile Battery
Journal Article |
Bulb-battery teaching demonstration explains voltage, current, and power in parallel circuits with the aid of a common automobile battery.
Learning the Ropes With Electricity
Journal Article |
Students create a hands-on classroom model illustrating a closed circuit along with other activities that explore the flow of electricity through modeling.
Explaining Electrical Circuits
Journal Article |
A unit designed to help fourth graders explain (in writing) scientific concepts they learned through inquiry activities and explicit teaching.