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Engineering activities often emphasize the practices of engineers, but can sometimes feel disconnected from content. This engineering design activity ties together multiple Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and…
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Researchers have long called for integrating socio-scientific issues (SSIs) in science instruction, recognizing the importance of connecting science learning with societal challenges. Our proposed three-day unit design…
Book Chapter |
Have you been wanting to probe your students’ thinking about major concepts in matter and energy? Have you been wishing for formative assessment tools in both English and Spanish? Then this is the book you’ve been…
Journal Article |
Maria lifts up a book from the table. Dietre eats cereal for breakfast. Akisha winds up a toy robot. Jacob puts batteries in a flashlight. These seemingly dissimilar events demonstrate various ways children experience…
Journal Article |
A bowling alley isn’t just a hangout where adolescents eat pizza, drink soda, and socialize with their friends. It can be transformed into a giant physics laboratory where students study energy transfer and calculate…
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Primary students investigate the effects of energy.
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Having students compare the effects of different energy sources on the environment.
Journal Article |
“I have no energy! Energy is everywhere! Solar energy comes from the Sun. Energy drinks give you energy!” These are the typical responses from sixth-grade students when asked about what they know about energy. Students…