Everyday Engineering: Toying Around With Wind Ups
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This column provides an inside look at the marvels of engineering in everyday life. In this issue the authors use wind-up toys to introduce students to how gears interact.
Safer Science: Building Safety with Engineering Controls
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Before conducting any laboratory activities, science teachers need to be in the know about the OSHA-required hierarchy of defense in the laboratory. At the top of OSHA's list are engineering controls, which are designed…
Everyday Engineering: Charcoal—Can It Corral Chlorine?
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This column provides an inside look at the marvels of engineering in everyday life. This issue discusses the use of charcoal in water filters.
Everyday Engineering: Windmills are going around again
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Learn how to create a pinwheel to explore wind power. In this lesson, students will construct a simple pinwheel-type windmill to test the power generated by different designs.
Get a Grip! A Middle School Engineering Challenge
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Investigating the field of engineering offers the opportunity for interdisciplinary, hands-on, inquiry-based units that integrate real-world applications; yet, many K-12 students are not exposed to engineering until…
Everyday Engineering: A little flash (of) light
Journal Article |
The flashlight is a simple device that is composed of a lightbulb, usually two cells connected in series, a housing, a switch, and a reflector for the light. All flashlights essentially use these parts to complete a…
Scientific and Engineering Practices in K–12 Classrooms
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The author presents the science and engineering practices from the recently released A Framework for K–12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas.
Everyday Engineering: An absorbing look at terry-cloth towels
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This article describes a lesson where students explore the absorbency of several towels with different weaves and weights. The lesson follows the 5E learning-cycle model and incorporates engineering in the sense of…
Integrating Engineering and Science in Your Classroom (e-book)
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“I still remember my very first day as a teacher. A few days earlier, my principal had given me advice: ‘Whatever you do, do not start with an overview of your course. Do something active and set the tone….’ As I…
Engineering in the Life Sciences, 9–12 (e-book)
eBook |
When the authors of this book took part in Project INFUSE, the National Science Foundation–funded teacher development program, they noticed something. Life science teachers were highly receptive to engineering ideas…